Black Swan Art Print Online Hot Sale
$55This is a fine art print from the original Black Swan collage and acrylic artwork by Pete Cromer.
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This is a fine art print from the original Black Swan collage and acrylic artwork by Pete Cromer.
Blue wrens amongst the bottlebrush blossoms. Art print of an original painting by Emma Blyth.
Philippa Nikulinsky was commissioned by Aspects of Kings Park to paint the new blue kangaroo paw hybrid, Anigozanthos ‘Masquerade’, bred by Kings Park and Botanic Garden. The main technique used to produce disease tolerant hybrids was a process called recurrent selection. This breeding system selects the top two to four progeny of each cross rated…
Art print of an original painting by Helen Ansell. Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae)The laughing kookaburra is the largest of the kingfisher family, and famous for its chorus of laughter which echoes through the Australian bush. Unlike most of its relatives, kookaburras occupy the same territories year-round which they mark with their noisy calls. Each group knows…
Art print of an original painting Blue Wren Among the Marri Blooms by Helen Ansell.
Art print of an original painting Bush Banksias by Helen Ansell. There are over 173 varieties of banksias in the world and over 60 of them occur naturally in Western Australia. When I returned from living in the UK for three years, it was the banksia plant with all its large, wild and dramatic shapes…
Art print of an original painting by Helen Ansell. Wreath Flower (Leschenaultia macrantha)A species of low growing plant, the unique and distictive Wreath Flower , amazingly, grows in bare gravel roadsides, quarries, cemeteries, etc., particularly around Mullewa, inland from Geraldton, Western Australia. Mullewa is renown for it s carpets of everlastings, but of the many…
The Galahs and Grasstrees art print – pink galahs flying over Australian grasstrees. Art print of an original painting by Emma Blyth.
Foraged from suburban gardens in Perth. These are grandma’s favourites – the overlooked weeds, the tiny buds, the introduced and the natives. Curated together they have a beautiful voice. The print includes a white border within the specified size. This allows for framing without a mat board.
Art print of an original painting by Emma Blyth.
Green Finch and Eucalyptus limited edition print from an original painting by Dana Kinter.
Collected from the base of a sugar gum tree in the front garden of the artist s home. Each leaf shows the longer amount of time spent on the ground, slowly progressing to integration into the soil. The print includes a white border within the specified size. This allows for framing without a mat board.
Art print of an original painting Hakea Haven by Helen Ansell.
Western Australia’s unique kangaroo paws pop up and say hello in spring. We love the colour diversity from the traditional red and green to the black and pink varieties. The print includes a white border within the specified size. This allows for framing without a mat board.
Art print of an original painting Honey Possum by Helen Ansell. This tiny marsupial, Tarsipes rostratus, is found in the south of Western Australia, being most common in regions of high Proteaceae diversity. Its entire source of food is nectar and pollen from a diverse range of flowering plants, and is often an important pollinator;…
I Whispered Your Name on the Wind limited edition print, featuring two wattlebirds and wattle, from an original painting by Dana Kinter.
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